The Top Real Estate Markets in 2018 Q1

The US housing market has seen some serious growth in the previous two years. During 2016, the sales of existing homes were the strongest they had been since 2006, and more than a decade after our worst housing crisis in history, it appears we’re finally making a real recovery.

National Luxury Real Estate Trends in 2018

While 2017 was full of excitement and change for the real estate market, it’s safe to say that 2018 will be even more interesting. Now that the US is set to be impacted by the largest rewriting of the tax code in years, luxury real estate is sure to see some transformation, particularly as Congress minimizes tax deductions for interest on mortgages and property taxes.

2018: The Year of Online Real Estate Financing?

When it comes to investing in real estate, most would-be buyers have a significant decision to make about how they’re going to source the right finance. In recent years, the real estate finance industry has seen increased pressure on risk retention rules and reserve requirements.

Investment Property Management: Self Managing vs Hiring Out

One of the greatest benefits of managing your own properties is the ability to keep a closer eye and maintain more control over all aspects of its operation. When you self-manage, it gives you the opportunity to get know your tenants and build rapport.

How are Investment Properties Taxed?

Any business that frequently profits from the sale of an asset is classified as an active business. The profit you make could come from selling a vehicle, a piece of inventory, or even a real estate investment. Selling your own home and flipping multiple investment properties are two very different concepts in the eyes of the IRS.

Renovations That Will Spare Your Pocketbook

Renovations are a fantastic way to add value to your property and make it easier to sell on the real estate market. However, paying for a new set of windows, a new kitchen, or a different bathroom isn’t something that works for everyone’s budget.

Will the New Tax Reform Cause a Spike in Specific Markets?

President Trump signed the new GOP tax bill into law on the 22nd of December 2017, spurring a lot of questions from people wondering how the change in taxes will affect their lives and their homes. Under the new tax reform, many experts predict that national home prices will begin to take a hit, although the impact is expected to be more significant in markets with higher-priced homes.

Why Cash Flow is Important to Your Real Estate Crowdfunding Portfolio

Cash flow is important for any type of business, but real estate crowdfunding is a different kind of business that requires a carefully thought out plan for the end game. It’s more like investing than a traditional business, but it still requires an attentive eye to business technicals like cash flow, forecasting, and profit-loss analysis.

Home Renovations with the Most Value

If you’re planning on making any renovations to your property this year, there are a few things to consider before you commit to a project. While personal preference and budget will always be important factors when it comes to figuring out what you want to do with your home, it’s also worth thinking about which changes will deliver the best return on investment.

What the 2018 Tax Code Means for Real Estate Investing

The main catalyst of so many of the indicators seen here is a pass-through income deduction, designed to benefit those business owners who create jobs. Under the new code, instead of paying a regular income tax rate, which might be as much as 37 percent, a landlord can now simply create a limited-liability corporation (LLC) on the property and pay the pass-through rate of 27 percent (this percentage has various stipulations for taxpayers with incomes above certain thresholds).