Investing In Multi-Family Real Estate Crowdfunding In 2017
They say once you start following the trend, it’s too late. But let me qualify that for a second: By the time you recognize it as a trend, it’s already too late. So, the key to profiting off a trend is to recognize it before it becomes one.
7 Ways Real Estate Investors Can Finance a Land Purchase
There may not be as many ways to finance a land purchase as there are reasons, but people interested in buying rural land still have quite a few options. The following list shows what’s possible with the added benefit of pros and cons.
Diversify Your Investment Portfolio By Real Estate Investing
Talk to any CPA, Investment specialist, or estate/tax planning attorney and the one piece of advice they’ll all have in common is diversify, diversify, diversify. If you’ve been investing for a while, you’ve probably heard it at least a dozen or more times in the last couple of years.
4 Real Estate Investments For Investors to Consider in 2017
When stocks and traditional investments are volatile, when investors don’t know from day to day how the markets will move, real estate is a good bet. That doesn’t mean you should move all of your money into real estate.
Seven Top Real Estate Investments to Look For in 2017
Like everything else, real estate investing is an ever-changing tide. Looking forward into next year, we can predict certain trends to continue, and maybe even pick up speed.
Real Estate Asset Allocation: How Much is Enough?
Modern Portfolio Theory provides the best assessment of how to allocate one’s investment assets. In short, the theory says that as risk on an investment increases the higher return an investor can expect to receive on that investment. Conversely, lower risk leads to lower returns.
Knowing When You Need or Don’t Need a Financial Adviser
With new technologies come new challenges. In the financial realm, one of those challenges for investors, at least is whether or not to consult a financial adviser when there are so many do-it-yourself tools available.
Learning The Riskiest Alternative Investments Today
Since the downturn of the stock market, many investors have begun exploring alternative investments. Who can blame them? Alternatives offer better returns in shorter periods of time.
Three Niche Fintech Investments Worth Investing In
There’s a reason FinTech has caught the eye of investors. There are billions of dollars pouring into this sector, and the future is looking brighter.
Real Estate Crowdfunding: The Alternative Investment Option
So many factors have been driving the evolution of the world’s financial infrastructure since the economic debacle of 2007-2009. Traditional investment vehicles have been demonstrably unstable.