Looking at The Performance of Tech Stocks in the Market

Bears and bulls are dangerous. If one doesn’t run you over, the other will maul you. The latter happened to tech investors in January and February as Jim Cramer’s FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google [now Alphabet] fell like a boulder in the Rockies.
2nd Annual Crowdfunding and Marketplace Lending Forum

It’s almost time for the 2nd Annual Crowdfunding and Marketplace Lending Forum for Real Estate, and we’ve put together a handy social media guide for your convenience.
What Title III Means For Real Estate Crowdfunding

Since the passing of the JOBS Act in 2012, everyone is keeping up with the changes taking place in the securities investing and crowdfunding niches has been keeping an eye on whether or not non-accredited investors will be let in on the ground floor opportunities that present themselves through seed funding.
The 8 Best Real Estate Investment Blogs to Subscribe To

Staying sharp on happenings related to your finances (and for us, “fintech”, ie financial technology and real estate investing) is key to knowing how to optimize invested funds.
The Latest Eye Catching Home Staging Trends for 2016

We all know that home staging can be a ‘make it or break it’ deal for some properties. Staging a home allows for the potential buyer to imagine life on the property, and helps those less creative to plan further design.
A Close Look at 7 Underserved Crowdfunding Niche Markets

Crowdfunding has come a long way. Equity crowdfunding is picking up steam worldwide, including such unexpected places as China, the MENA (Middle East-North Africa) region, and Mexico.
5 Reasons to Invest in a Real Estate Crowdfund

Crowdinvesting is expected to continue to grow by the billions in 2016, and if ever there were a time to start investing, now’s the time. Many investors like to diversify their investment portfolio as it can be seen as the best way to limit risk.
4 Marketplace Lending Sectors Growth Mode for Investors

Online marketplace lending, what used to be called peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, is very much in a growth stage. But, like a lot of sectors that grow from a root bulb into a multi-branch system of complexity, that growth is leading the sector into segmentation.
Social Media Guide to the 5th Annual Real Estate Women’s Forum

This event will bring together over 500 of New York’s key Real Estate players to network, share ideas, and learn. We have put a social media guide together to help in the networking process.
Real Estate Investing Tips by Allen at AAPL’s 6th Annual Conference

Allen Shayanfekr is speaking at AAPL’s 6th Annual Conference this November 8-10 in Las Vegas. This is one of the largest events dedicated to private lending.