Why Real Estate Crowdfunding Is The Perfect Investment For Millennials

Real estate crowdfunding provides another avenue for passive income by allowing Millennials to invest in real estate through fractional ownership.
Can Private Lenders Solve The Housing Crisis?

To ease the housing crunch, cities cannot just add another high-rise to a bustling downtown. They need to rebuild neighborhoods that have underused lots, vacant buildings and infill space with the potential to support thousands of new residents.
Is Multifamily Housing the Answer to Everyone’s Problems?

As an increasing number of cities and states are expressing interest in making it possible to build multifamily units, opportunities to jump on these types of properties could be a way for investors to break free from the oversaturated single-family fix and flip type of situation.
Charlotte: Financial Hub, Millennial Magnet

In one recent year, the city saw a net gain of 11,000 Millennials. That’s more than relocated to any other second-tier city including Seattle, Austin or any other youth-vibe town you can name.
Sharestates Recently Funding in Charlotte, NC

Charlotte, North Carolina has culture, food, entertainment, and is considered to have some of the friendliest people in the country.
8 Reasons Long-Distance Real Estate Investing Isn’t As Risky As It Used To Be

A marketplace lending platform with solid underwriting and risk assessment procedures help investors find good deals and, in many cases, put their own skin in the game.
What Investment Trends will Dominate the Rest of 2019?

The Mortgage Professional of America magazine wrote a response piece to one of Sharestates’ blog posts regarding investment trends for the remainder of 2019.
How Multifamily Financing Can Solve Housing Affordability in U.S. Metro Areas

If cities and states will open the door for private lenders to finance multifamily housing projects where single-family zoning once was the standard, more people can experience the American dream of homeownership.
Starter Homes: Buyer’s Market, Seller’s Market, or Investor’s Market?

There’s been an interesting trend in starter homes in the last few years all across America. In some parts of the country, for instance, investors are snatching up more than 20 percent of starter homes.
Alternative Lenders Want To Make Inroads In OZs. Fix-And-Flip Lenders Have Been There For Years

Opportunity Zones are a strategic part of investor portfolios. They offer access to cost-effective properties and the chance to rejuvenate a community.