West – 2020 Year End Market Report

With lockdowns ravaging California to close the year, the housing market continued on a tear. The median sales price rose, despite persistent unemployment, which wasn’t unique to California. Read our full market report to see which states in the West outperformed and which states continued to lag.

Midwest – 2020 Year End Market Report

Despite many of the extenuating issues in the state of Illinois and the relative problems controlling COVID, Illinois has had a resurgent housing market in 2020

Sharestates 2020 3rd Quarter Report – Northeast Update

While Boston’s suburbs are on fire for some, rental woes are being seen for others in the Bay State. Melrose and Worcester break out of Q3 by being named among the Top-10 hottest real estate markets by Realtor.com. According to the report, houses are moving on an average of ~18 days, targeted by cash-conscious buyers as prices in Boston skyrocket.

Sharestates 2020 3rd Quarter Report – National Update

NYC and LA, COVID is still the name of the game in the national housing market, causing soaring demand on limited inventory as people look to face a new reality of remote work, homeschool, and the potential of another lockdown- albeit in bigger quarters.

Sharestates 2020 3rd Quarter Report – South & West Regions

California finds itself at the intersection of a continued COVID-19 surge but also surging prices. Regionally, almost all regions reported double-digit gains in sales from 2019 to 2020, and 37 of 51 counties in the state produced year-over-year home sales growth (California Association of Realtors). Additionally, 32 of those 51 counties had double-digit price increases.