Debt Investor vs. Equity Investor: What’s the Difference?

Marketplace lending has revolutionized the matchmaking process between investors and real estate opportunities. To protect your assets, you need to understand how to invest, and the first step is figuring out if you are a debt investor or an equity investor.

Real Estate Investors Find Crowdfunding Accessible and Transparent

Real estate crowdfunding is a way for accredited investors to find great deals on real estate investments. In the past, the best real estate deals were only available to elite insiders within the real estate industry. The rich grew richer while the rest had no access to premium deals.

Looking at Five Ways Fintech is Changing the World

You can’t take two steps from your wallet to the ATM any more without someone tossing out the R word. You know what I mean — Revolution. And it seems there’s one going on right now in the financial world, what no one ever thought possible.

Review of Sharestates’ Interview With George Popescu

George Popescu is the Founder and CEO of Lending Times. The online publication was founded in January of 2016 with the goal of bringing peer-to-peer (“P2P”)—aka marketplace lending news—analysis, and data to its niche group of readers.