Why Risk Assessment is Necessary in Real Estate Crowdfunding

Every investment involves a risk. Some investments are riskier than others. For that reason, it’s important for investors to perform some due diligence to assess the risk and minimize it to some extent.
Using Real Estate Crowdfunding to Invest in New York

With Brexit the world once again finds itself on the brink of financial upheaval. Never has real estate investing seemed more attractive.
Debt Investor vs. Equity Investor: What’s the Difference?

Marketplace lending has revolutionized the matchmaking process between investors and real estate opportunities. To protect your assets, you need to understand how to invest, and the first step is figuring out if you are a debt investor or an equity investor.
How Real Estate Crowdfunding Can Diversify Your Portfolio

We all know that portfolio diversification is of more benefit to an investor than the safest single investment. Yet, finding the perfect portfolio balance will vary from investor to investor depending on preference.
Online Real Estate Investment Opportunities With Sharestates

Everyone no matter who they are, or what they do for a living is looking for secure ways to invest their savings, and hopefully, save up to buy a car, a home, start a business, or save for their retirement.
How Developers Can Access Online Real Estate Lending

Real estate developers typically have several projects at the same time. As one project concludes, another project commences, starting from a simple idea put on paper, and ending with something tangible.
Rules to Follow Before Real Estate Investing With Your IRA

Many people aren’t aware of it, but real estate investing with your individual retirement account (IRA) is possible. You have to be careful, however. Do it wrong and it will cost you a lot in taxes.
Why Real Estate Investors Are Crowdfunding Real Estate Loans

With the uncertainty of the market and skepticism towards traditional lending institutions, real estate developers are turning to marketplace lending platforms to secure loans for development projects.
Why Borrowers and Investors Use Peer to Peer (P2P) Lending

Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending puts accredited investors in touch with approved real estate borrowers, cutting out the need for traditional lending institutions.
Real Estate Investors Find Crowdfunding Accessible and Transparent

Real estate crowdfunding is a way for accredited investors to find great deals on real estate investments. In the past, the best real estate deals were only available to elite insiders within the real estate industry. The rich grew richer while the rest had no access to premium deals.