Millennials and the Future of Real Estate Investing
Millennials, defined as those born from 1982 to 2000, now hold an estimated population of 84 million in the U.S. Millennials are now the largest age group, outnumbering the baby boomer generation by a population of 10 million.
Why Millennials Will Make Great Real Estate Investors
Forbes reported recently that 55 percent of millennials are interested in real estate investing. That statistic itself isn’t as fascinating as other data suggested by the same survey. It turns out that a higher percentage of millennials than any other generations correctly identified real estate as the best performing investment class since 2000.
Discover Why Marketplace Lending is its Own Asset Class
Savvy investors know that how you allocate your assets is just as important as diversifying your portfolio for long-term gains. But where do you go when the stock market is unpredictable?