Alternative Lenders Want To Make Inroads In OZs. Fix-And-Flip Lenders Have Been There For Years

Opportunity Zones are a strategic part of investor portfolios. They offer access to cost-effective properties and the chance to rejuvenate a community.
Why Many CRE Crowdfunding Platforms Tanked; A Select Few Found Success

When the federal government signed the JOBS Act into law in 2012, it breathed life into hundreds of new commercial real estate companies offering cheap capital sourced from massive pools of small, private investors.
Sharestates Wins Top Real Estate Platform Award at LendIt Fintech USA 2019
Sharestates has won the 2019 Lendit award for Top Real Estate Platform!
Fix-And-Flip Financing Is Finally Getting A Much-Needed Update
With big-name development projects hogging the spotlight, the wave of small development projects sweeping across the U.S. has largely gone unnoticed. “Fix-and-flip” properties make up almost 6% of national residential sales, according to Attom Data.
Sharestates Wins Innovator of the Year at Pitbull Conference
Sharestates has won the 2019 Innovator of the Year award at the Pitbull Conference!
Making Heads Or Tails Of The U.S. Multifamily Sector
Multi-family real estate is a staple in the real estate investment community.
Retail and Real Estate, an Evolutionary Relationship
While the bankruptcies of Toys “R” Us and Sears do mark a shift in the retail market, a closer look indicates that planning for its demise is premature.
Sharestates Offers Non-Performing Loan Financing Nationwide
Sharestates, America’s Private Lender, today announced that the company will begin financing Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) in 46 states.
EisnerAmper Q&A with Allen Shayanfekr, CEO and Co-Founder, Sharestates
Lisa Knee, partner and leader of EisnerAmper’s National Real Estate Private Equity Group, spoke to Allen Shayanfekr, CEO and Co-Founder of Sharestates to get his perspective on driving growth in the current real estate marketplace.
Sharestates Launches New Online User Portals to Fully Optimize Real Estate Investment Process

According to Sharestates, the online portals provide lenders, borrowers, and third party vendors involved in the developmental stages to obtain and procure loans.