Two Current Investment Trends in New York Real Estate

The first proof in this pudding is counter-intuitive because it is global. Chinese private investors have been purchasing significant properties in New York for several years because they are familiar with New York. It is one of the most well known cities in the world.

Staging Trends to Sell a Mixed Use/Retail Property

Attracting more buyers, that’s the point of staging. Whether real estate provides passive or direct income, staging is just as important in selling a mixed use or retail property as it is in selling residential properties.

3 Best Springtime Curb Appeal Trends For Your Property

Spring welcomes fresh blooms, spring cleaning, and effective curb appeal trends for real estate properties. Spring also produces many open houses for real estate agents and investors. First impressions are lasting impressions.

Sharestates Fourth Annual Charity Poker Tournament

The Atlantis Organization and Sharestates have partnered up again this year for the 4th Annual Charity Poker Tournament. With over 100 attendees, last year’s event brought in over $20,000 to the Sunrise Day Camp and The Friendship Circle.