Is December Actually a Slow Month for Real Estate?

There is a commonly held misconception that the real estate market hibernates like a bear. It goes into a deep slumber beginning in December and wakes up hungry in the spring. This fallacy can lead to a sense of complacency on the part of real estate agents, developers and lenders.

Using AI in Real Estate to Supplement Industry Needs

Artificial intelligence is one of those things that everyone thinks they understand but is often misunderstood because the hype doesn’t live up to reality. In the case of real estate, artificial intelligence has some practical uses, but the technology also comes with its limitations.

6 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing, like so many other industries, is in state of reformation thanks in large part to technological innovation. One of the most powerful innovative new technologies transforming real estate investing today is artificial intelligence (AI). Below are six ways AI is changing real estate investing for the better.

The Importance Of Employees With Diverse Industry Backgrounds

Residential real estate touches on almost every aspect of business and life. It is about where and how people will live, how that way of life will be achieved, and each and every part of that journey. Personal finance, plumbing and electrical systems, school districts and kitchen storage all are important and relevant to the purchase of a primary residence.

Is This Real Estate Gender Equality Article Wrong? You Decide

Women make up the majority of residential real estate agents, according to the National Association of Realtors, and the median income of that group in 2016 of $111,400 in 2016 was just under 3 times the better than the national average of $38,376 for those with a similar level of education.

Why Real Estate Investors Value Diverse Portfolios

New real estate investors are correctly advised to seek out a mentor to help them learn the business. Someone with experience can help the newcomer think through issues and bring up important considerations that might not be obvious.

Top 5 Female Trailblazers In Real Estate Throughout History

Sometimes to believe in the possibility of success it is necessary for a trailblazer to achieve it already. The first one to accomplish a task changes the mindset of everyone who follows, often redefining the borders of what is possible. With that in mind, here are 5 women who have done that in different areas of real estate.

Real Estate Equality: From the 19th Century Until Now

Most people today recognize Shark Tank’s Barbara Corcoran as the leading woman real estate entrepreneur. Her fortune and fame is earned, but at one time in United States history, no woman, not even a married woman, could own real estate or conduct real estate transactions. That began to change in the 19th century.

The Value of Diversity in the Workplace

This is particularly important for any real estate company because change that comes to real estate can either create or destroy value. An inability to see change as it is happening will cause a real estate firm to lose touch with potential buyers, and cause sellers to take their business to firms that have a better sense of the market.

Real Estate Companies Can Give Back To The Communities They Serve

Real estate firms give back to their communities by helping maintain a vibrant real estate market. Fix and flip investors renew housing stock, and commercial lenders facilitate transactions that would otherwise go no where. But this does not come close to the ways real estate firms and agents find to give back to the communities that support their livelihoods.