The Top Real Estate Rehab Pitfalls to Avoid

The foundation (literally) of any successful rehab project begins with hiring the perfect contractors. A contractor will be your eyes and ears on the ground of the project while investors are dealing with other concerns.
Step by Step Guide to Performing Due Diligence on a Real Estate Crowdfunding Investment

Performing due diligence on a potential real estate investment is one of the most important parts of the process. It ensures that you assess the investment risk soberly rather than rely on unreliable methods such as “gut feeling” or taking the borrower at his word.
What is Crowdfunding? Straightforward Answers to Common Questions.

After twenty years since its debut, there is still a lot of mystery around the subject of crowdfunding. We’ve put together answers to 7 of your top questions to help you understand what crowdfunding represents. Peer-to-peer lending can be of tremendous value to your investment efforts as a real estate developer and accredited investor.
Why Real Estate Crowdfunding Is the Choice for Busy Professionals

Professions such as a doctor, lawyer, entreprenur etc. is very time consuming. In a life mainly consisting of work, it is hard to find time to gear ones energy towards another interest such as investing in real estate. This is where Real Estate Crowdfunding (RECF) and marketplace lending comes in.
Commercial Appraisals. Property Valuation Questions Answered.

Properly valuing your current property, or those that you are considering for acquisition, will provide essential market data to help you make the most profitable decisions for your portfolio. The valuation process can create anxiety for all parties involved in the investment business.
Getting to The Closing Table Faster

There are a lot of reasons to close a real estate purchase as quickly as possible. When investors can get to the closing table quickly, they can appease a seller who wants to get a property off their hands as quickly as possible. At the same time, there’s fewer chances of something “going wrong” in the seller’s’ life that may lead to a problem in the sale.
Cap Rate & IRR. Definitions for Accredited Investors.

If you’re an active or accredited investor, you may already be very familiar with the concept of cap rate and internal rate of return (IRR), but it’s always good to review the concept no matter what stage of your investment career you’re in. These financial metrics are some of the most commonly used in the commercial real estate investment business.
Online Real Estate Investment Tools to Manage Your Portfolio

It can take tremendous effort to balance your investment activities with your career, business, and personal life. Fortunately, the modern online real estate investment field offers many tools to help you coordinate your tasks. As an accredited investor, it’s vital to track projects, monitor performance, and manage employees and stakeholders.
Successfully Planning a Property Loan Exit Strategy

With the right opportunities, a property investor can establish their financial freedom, creating a powerful source of income in an area that’s never likely to lose interest – real estate. While financial freedom means different things to different people, it’s important for any borrower or investor to have a reliable exit strategy in place for when they want to slow down and stop selling.
Real Estate Apps that Every Real Estate Investor Should Use

Real estate investing is a complex, and time-consuming process. If you want to make sure that you get the most out of your money, you need to be prepared to take your business with you wherever you go. The right real estate app on your smartphone can help you to better assess the properties you’re buying and prepare for a more successful sale.