Why Cash Is Pouring Into Distressed Real Estate Funds

In any investing environment, there are winners and losers. During crisis environments, the winners are often big winners while the losers are often big losers. Who is poised to come out ahead during the COVID-19 crisis, and who is poised to fall behind?

Will Opportunity Zones Revive Real Estate After COVID-19?

States are beginning to re-open their economies, albeit some will move slower than others. The weather is warming and optimism is on the rise. While some business sectors—such as retail and tourism—are still suffering from the sudden downturn and the economic lockdown, others saw a surge as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Has COVID-19 Established a New Normal In Private Lending?

All of a sudden, mortgage refinancing surged while demand for personal lending dropped. Small business lending is soaring. Is there a new normal in lending, or will we go back to the old normal once the current crisis is over?

Tech’s Been a Big Help During COVID-19, but Will it Last?

Whatever occurs post-COVID-19, it’s clear that commercial real estate will see major changes in the aftermath. Sectors will come out newly strengthened, while social distancing may change the way that real estate deals are transacted.