Is There a New Normal in Commercial Lending?

“There is no more normal,” Allen Shayanfekr, CEO and co-founder of Sharestates told MPA when talking about the impact of COVID-19 on commercial lending. “We’ve been hearing for months about getting back to a level of normalcy, but the reality is, no one knows what that is.”

Sharestates 2020 Midyear Report – National Trends

The housing market may actually end up looking like a “W” recovery, per CNN, as potential second lockdowns, new spikes, and high levels of unemployment continue. The market will likely shape itself around the pandemic, but uncertainty abounds.

Real Estate Hot Zones Since The COVID Pandemic

While we’re still a long way from recovering from either the disease or the cost of its treatment, there is some predictive analytics that suggests where landlords might have the most trouble collecting rents until both have run their course.