Sharestates 2016 Year in Review: Milestones and Achievements

There is no doubt that 2016 was an amazing year for Sharestates; with company growth from 3 to 40 team members, and booming business it’s been a year to remember.
Social Media Guide for Real Estate New York City Expo 2015

social media guide for this year’s Real Estate NYC Expo 2015. Use it to engage with speakers and other attendees.
Certified Audit Reveals Top Marks For The Growing Real Estate Lending Platform
By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Real Estate & Investment Business — SHARESTATES, a growing online lending platform for real estate investment properties, announced it got high marks from USProServ, LLC, an outside consultancy that specializes in compliance remediation, network infrastructure, and data security for financial/insurance companies. The audit was conducted by Kushner, Smith, […]
Real Estate Investors Find Crowdfunding Accessible and Transparent

Real estate crowdfunding is a way for accredited investors to find great deals on real estate investments. In the past, the best real estate deals were only available to elite insiders within the real estate industry. The rich grew richer while the rest had no access to premium deals.
Sharestates announces $30MM Investment by Ranger Capital Group

Sharestates, LLC (“Sharestates”) is thrilled to announce an investment by the Ranger Direct Lending Fund (“Ranger”), a pooled investment vehicle dedicated to direct lending investment.
The Benefits of Real Estate Crowdfunding

Real estate development, for many, may seem like a tough industry to work in. Unless you are in an exclusive club, the chances of stumbling upon a great development opportunity are slim-to-none.
Sharestates Surpasses $300M for Real Estate Loan Purchases

Sharestates has reached a new milestone. Through institutional and individual investments, Sharestates has raised over $300 million in total funds for real estate loan purchases.
Networking Guide LendIt Forum: April 11-12th, 2016

networking and social media guide for the LendIt USA Forum 2016 is a great opportunity to learn from and interact with experts in real estate lending and investing.
Bisnow Q&A Chat Featuring Sharestates CEO Allen Shayanfekr

Real Estate Crowdfunding presents itself as the first opportunity in quite some time that allows accredited individuals to invest in what has traditionally been an inaccessible market.
$100 Million Loan Milestone: A Thank You From Our CEO

We have officially reached $100 million in loans made through the Sharestates platform and we are thrilled that you have been a part of it. This milestone could not have been met without your engagement and support of Sharestates and your trust in our team.