Networking Guide LendIt Forum: April 11-12th, 2016

networking and social media guide for the LendIt USA Forum 2016 is a great opportunity to learn from and interact with experts in real estate lending and investing.
Bisnow Q&A Chat Featuring Sharestates CEO Allen Shayanfekr

Real Estate Crowdfunding presents itself as the first opportunity in quite some time that allows accredited individuals to invest in what has traditionally been an inaccessible market.
National Doctor’s Day: Fictional and Real Life Heroes

They take care of us when we’re sick and tell us we need to excercise more. How lucky for us to have a day to celebrate our doctor’s.
A Look At Why Fewer Technology Companies Are Going Public

On April 20, 2015, Jay R. Ritter, Cordell Professor of Finance at the University of Florida published a report on initial public offerings (IPOs) in which he observed a huge difference in the number of technology companies going public pre-and post-2014.
5 Ways Marketplace Lending Investments Can Benefit Your Portfolio

Marketplace lending investments are transforming the way you diversify and improve your investment portfolio. The niche industry is quickly gaining worldwide attention for its ability to help both investors and real estate developers engage in profitable projects.
$100 Million Loan Milestone: A Thank You From Our CEO

We have officially reached $100 million in loans made through the Sharestates platform and we are thrilled that you have been a part of it. This milestone could not have been met without your engagement and support of Sharestates and your trust in our team.
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral: A Crowdfunded Property?

Every year, on March 17th, New York streets are a sea of green. Saint Patrick’s Day is one of the most celebrated holidays and has the longest and largest annual parade in New York.
Networking Guide: FinTech Rising: March 22nd, 2016

At next week’s FinTech Rising, you can expect to learn about lending, personal finance, payments, retail, SaaS, and analytics. This networking guide is designed as a tool to help you research and connect before the event.
8 Incredible Women of The Finance Industry in 2016

In honor of International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating amazing women in finance. Women pioneering the world of finance is not a new phenomenon, yet one that we celebrate as we strive for gender equality.
Passive Investing with Marketplace Lending Platforms

An exponential amount of American money is tied up in active investments. Whether it be through stocks, real estate or business, money is moving fast, and those who manage it better be moving faster.