Hurricane Irma and Harvey’s Role in Real Estate Investing

For the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, the thought of a hurricane is a fact of life. Recently, the fact is that violent storms have made life unbearable for millions of coastal residents. In spite of this recurring devastation, there are increasing numbers of Americans living in coastal areas prone to hurricanes.

How the Proposed 2017 Tax Reform Plan Can Affect RECF

While it’s difficult to know for sure what will be included in a final draft of a proposed tax reform plan, let alone one that is passed by Congress and approved by the president, we do have some clues about what may be included in the plan.

Five Traits Hard Money Lenders Evaluate in a Loan Borrower

A real estate loan borrower’s profile plays a salient role in the lender’s due diligence process and analysis. The mortgagee reviews the mortgagor, in a comprehensive manner, in order to deem any lending activity a prudent risk to the loan portfolio.

Keys to a Successful Refinance on a Real Estate Investment

Changes in the interest rate environment and changes in financial circumstances have made refinancing a fact of life for the active real estate investor. Individual homeowners may be able to stick their head in the sand and steadfastly pay off a 30 year fully amortized mortgage.

What is a Blanket Loan and When Should Investors Use It?

There are a variety of tools and techniques that the savvy real estate investor has under their belt which allows them to adapt and adjust to a range of situations. From understanding how to use a financial calculator to simply knowing the most commonly used terms, experienced investors build a repertoire that is suitable for the specific area of real estate investing they choose to focus on.

What to do When Your Investment Property Does Not Sell Fast

There are times in the career of every real estate investor that can be looked back on as pivotal. Transactions that went awry, situations that turned bad, and problems that turned up. These are all inevitable for anyone in the real estate business for any length of time.

When Should Real Estate Investors Seek Hard Money Lenders?

It is an axiom of business that every venture or transaction will either sink or swim. The absolute truth expressed in this saying is that success or failure are the only two outcomes, and eventually it all ends in one place or the other. Naturally, real estate investors aim for success, and doggedly overcome obstacles in order to achieve it.

Resolving Title Issues and Property Liens On Your Investment

Real estate title issues and property liens are some of the biggest hurdles to closing real estate deals. If you are planning to invest in real estate, make sure you understand property titles and liens. Here are some common title issues.

Why Every Real Estate Investor Needs a Real Estate Agent

A real estate investment sometimes succeeds or fails because of the margins. Sometimes the rate of interest charged on the loan to purchase a real estate property can make all the difference. It can be the difference between a profitable transaction and a losing deal.

Learning The Underwriting Criteria of a Real Estate Lender

Financing real estate investments is a key step toward achieving the maximum return on investment (ROI) on any project. Borrowing allows the investor to control a larger asset with a smaller amount of capital. Increases in the value of the total asset are larger when expressed as a percentage of the capital actually invested.