Commercial Real Estate and Technology

Commercial real estate (CRE) can be a lucrative segment of the broader real estate industry, but the returns that can be earned are closely linked to the level of risk involved. In addition to being subject to the macroeconomic trends, CRE is impacted by the changes in demands for types and sizes of properties, as well as the whims of local zoning boards.

How Emerging Tax Legislation Will Affect Your Real Estate Investments

New tax legislation is bringing many complicated changes that could both positively and negatively affect your investments. The best way to prepare for these changes, those that took effect on January 1, 2018, with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, is to seek the information you need to become an educated and savvy accredited investor or real estate professional.

The Importance of Predictive Analytics for Real Estate Companies

Crystal balls in fairy tales allow soothsayers to see the future. This valuable resource has been created in reality by complex mathematical formulas that use massive sets of data to predict the future. Real estate companies can use these predictive analytics, as they are called, to take lead generation and prospecting to the next level.

Conducting a Title Contract Exchange Over the Blockchain

In the process of buying and selling real estate, one essential task that must be accomplished is the transfer of a clean property title. That means, the property that is associated with the title must also be free of any liens or encumbrances.

Office Spaces and Smart Tech

Trend setters set trends, and the new corporate headquarters of Facebook, Google and Apple will certainly inspire design elements that will find expression in other office sites. Of course, no one scouting for a new space for their company expects to find a circular building that looks like a spaceship, but those looking for office space will value these other features.

Ethereum or Smart Contracts in Real Estate

There’s a new decentralized and distributed ledger system that is gaining in popularity and picking up speed that will revolutionize the way real estate is bought, sold, invested in, and transferred in the very near future. In fact, this distributed ledger technology (DLT), known as the blockchain, has already arrived and real estate transactions are currently being recorded on it.

How Real Estate Tech Startups Add Value to Local Markets

Technology is continually knocking down barriers between potential buyers and sellers. From online listings on websites such as Zillow to virtual reality tours of properties, the modern real estate agent has tools to reach buyers that previous generations could not even have imagined.

Augmented Reality in Real Estate, Is It Here To Stay?

Real estate professionals are commensurate marketers, able to communicate the valuable features of a property. Creating curb appeal is a large part of successfully selling a property. In fact, an entire subset of professionals work as property stagers to present residences in the most favorable light possible.

Can Technology Really Add Value To Real Estate Transactions?

Technology does not always advance evenly. The real estate industry has seen developments in internet marketing, the use of drone photography, and the use of predictive analytics. These have changed the industry in many ways. However, many facets of this important sector of the economy still have room for improvement.

Construction and Robotics In 2018 Real Estate

Real estate is an investment that is often won – or lost – on the margins. While unusual macroeconomic trends and catastrophic events can create an overwhelming environment that makes either success or failure inevitable, the more common dynamic is for relatively small, incremental developments and decisions to make the difference.