CARES Act Gives Real Estate a Booster Shot

The constraints on real estate development are related to labor, equipment, and regulation. The current crisis won’t be a big help with any of these, but it also isn’t much of a hindrance. It’s unclear how tax benefits will spur more or faster development, but the money is on the table, so why not pick it up.

Sharestates Launches Margin Call Relief Program

“As one of the visionaries leading the frontier of the Crowdfunding movement, our capital markets team has been working around the clock with local and global peers in an effort to blueprint a forward-moving plan.

The Way Forward With Cap Rate Spreads

But while low-interest rates mean more potential buyers, it’s high capital rates that drive revenue. And it’s the spread between the two that drives what’s ultimately important to real estate investors: earnings.

How Debt Terms are Changing in 2020

Competition in private lending is driving interest rates down on several types of debt products. Between 2017 and 2018, private mortgage lending grew 37.8 percent, and that’s just one market segment.